(A regular volunteer walking alumni “Tinker” near the shelter.)
You can come walk dogs during our open hours between 12-3:30pm. Just stop in and let our office staff know why you’re here!
You must be 18+ and provide a photo ID.
You can come in to help staff clean and work with the cats as early as 8am on our open days. We’ll show you the process and set you to work helping us out!
You must be 16+ and have parent permission if under 18.
Want to be hands on with the cats? We can always use help clipping nails and brushing them out. You can come anytime between 12-4 on our open days!
You must be 16+ and have parent permission if under 18.
If you have community service hours you need to do, just stop in at 8am. Let us know why you’re here and we’ll put you to work! Community Service hours end at noon.